Influx DB Data Insertion

I’m new to influxdb. What I want to know is why can’t I insert same tag value into the influx db. Let’s consider this as the data points that I’m about to insert into the same measurement. This is the mock data points that I created for seeking for help.

[ field:{ status: ‘up’ }, tag:{ signal: ‘0’ } ],
[field: { status: ‘up’ },tag: { signal: ‘0’ } ],
[ field:{ status: ‘up’ }, tag:{ signal: ‘1’ } ],
[field: { status: ‘up’ }, tag:{ signal: ‘1’ } ],
[ field:{ status: ‘up’ }, tag:{ signal: ‘1’ } ],
[ field:{ status: ‘up’ }, tag:{ signal: ‘0’ } ],

When I insert this data points into the same measurement


Without timestamp (Start, stop,time) columns, you can’t insert the tag values into influxdb

_start _stop _time _value _field _measurement plant state tag
2023-04-01T04:26:19Z 2023-10-01T05:26:19Z 2023-09-16T08:42:17Z 939 v First Second AP Profit
2023-04-01T04:26:19Z 2023-10-01T05:26:19Z 2023-09-16T08:42:17Z 582.93 v First Second AP Loss
2023-04-01T04:26:19Z 2023-10-01T05:26:19Z 2023-09-16T08:42:17Z 25 v First Second AP Sales