I’m trying to “explore my data schema” in OSS 2.7 with Flux (newbie) using influx CLI and PowerShell. Other CLI queries work good.
Q: How do I import “influxdata/influxdb/schema” on Windows?
Seeing some 3.0 posts. Should I be going back to InfluxQL? I tried it in PowerShell but the output is funky.
Hello @downow,
UGH I feel you it’s such an awkward time right now for Influx.
OSS v3 won’t be available until later in the year. But it does use InfluxQL and SQL…so if there is way for you to wait I’d recommend it. Especially because the performance improvements are kinda ridiculous.
Can you import any packages with the CLI? Or just generally asking how to write Flux with the CLI that includes an import?
generally asking how to write Flux with the CLI that includes an import - specifically just the “Explore your data schema with Flux” meas, field keys, tag keys and values. CLI is working
Yes still errors. Sorry I’m CLI as second language. I tried these,
influx query ‘import “influxdata/influxdb/schema”’ schema.fieldkeys(bucket: “name”)
influx query ‘import (“influxdata/influxdb/schema”)’ schema.fieldkeys(bucket: “name”)
influx query ‘import “influxdata/influxdb/schema” schema.fieldkeys(bucket: “name”)’
influx query ‘import (“influxdata/influxdb/schema”) schema.fieldkeys(bucket: “name”)’
InfluxQL works great for me because I learned it a few years ago. But in PowerShell I get these jacked up box-outlined tables with some rows offset, for example “show field keys,” and some cli lines disappear in the terminal. But PS is the best for Windows? I only need the CLI for quick sanity checking and getting oriented while looking at production databases. Maybe Ill ssh in from a linux container or something. Recommendation appreciated.
Thanks for replying!!