I want to get a list of the fields, but I just cant get it. (flux with influxDB 1.8.4)
Tried the solution from the link and any other field related method from the v1 page.(v1 package | Flux 0.x Documentation)
Error message I got in Chronograph and with API call:
‘error":"error calling function “fieldKeys”: cannot call function, value is of type nil’
@Cas_Altenburg, v1.fieldKeys() and v1.measurementFieldKeys() were introduced in Flux 0.68.0. I’m guessing you’re using a version of InfluxDB that has an older version of Flux where these functions aren’t available. I’m not sure which version of Flux is packaged with the version of InfluxDB you’re using, but you should be able to find out with this query:
any update on this issue, i am getting same error with InfluxDB 1.8.4. i tried simillar query and getting error like
with /schema
unknown import path: “influxdata/influxdb/schema”’
with /v1 error like
InfluxDB.Client.Core.Exceptions.InternalServerErrorException: ‘error calling function “measurementFieldKeys”: cannot call function, value is of type nil’