I imported data on a new bucket using the following annotated CSV:
# datatype measurement,ignored,tag,tag,long,time,ignored
"school","Andover School District","Andover Elementary School","Andover",0,"2020-10-08T00:00:00Z","06/23/2021"
"school","Andover School District","Andover Elementary School","Andover",0,"2020-10-15T00:00:00Z","06/23/2021"
"school","Andover School District","Andover Elementary School","Andover",0,"2020-10-22T00:00:00Z","06/23/2021"
"school","Andover School District","Andover Elementary School","Andover",0,"2020-10-29T00:00:00Z","06/23/2021"
And the import goes well, no errors (below is an example of the dry-run command):
docker run --rm --tty --interactive --volume $HOME/Documents/InfluxDBIntro/data:/mnt:ro influxdb:latest influx write dryrun --org Kodegeek --format csv --bucket covid19 --file /mnt/COVID-19_Cases_in_CT_Schools_Annotated.csv
school,city=Andover,name=Andover\ Elementary\ School total=0i 1602115200000000000
school,city=Andover,name=Andover\ Elementary\ School total=0i 1602720000000000000
school,city=Andover,name=Andover\ Elementary\ School total=0i 1603324800000000000
school,city=Andover,name=Andover\ Elementary\ School total=0i 1603929600000000000
At the end I do expect to be able to see the following when asking for schema metadata:
- datatype measurement = school
- name=tag
- city=tag
- total=long value
- time=timestamp
I can get what measurements are on my COVID19 bucket (returns school):
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"
schema.measurements(bucket: "COVID19")
Yet the following queries come empty, no information about the tags or the values for the school measurement:
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"
schema.measurementTagKeys(bucket: "COVID19", measurement: "school")
Nor values for the tag “name” for the measurement “school”:
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"
schema.measurementTagValues(bucket: "COVID19", measurement: "school", tag: "name")
So, a more fundamental question, there is ANY data? The following query returns lots of data:
from(bucket: "COVID19")
|> range(start: -3y)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r.city == "Greenwich")
|> yield()
And I can see fields, tags and values, as expected!:
I’m using the following:
- InfluxDB v2.4.0 (Docker container with an external volume)
- Server:
- Frontend:
Can someone point out what is my mistake? I feel it is something that is pretty obvious.