In V1.79,What is the relationship and logic between TSI TSL TSM and In-Memory Index ?
TSM is the storage engine, it’s a time structured merge tree.
The in-mem index is as it states, it stores the entire index in-mem; which can cause an OOM if it’s too big for your RAM.
TSI is our time series index, which is a combination of in-mem and disk based indices
No matter what index you use, you always get TSM storage.
Does TSL will be merged into TSI file? and what is the structure of TSL
Where did you read about TSL? I’ve not heard that before, sorry
files are “time series log” files that are part of the TSI indexing process.
@scott,Hi, I’m confused by the structure of tsl file,such as L0-00000002.tsl,it’s bytes vaule is [0 175 215 47 0 0 0 182 162 96 100 0 214 159 47 0 0 0 242 12 47 229 0 232 159 47 0 0 0 204 124 73 56 0 183 215 47 0 0 0 89 39 224 146 0 209 19…]. how do writting tsl file.