How to telegraf remote server to monitoring?

how to telegraf remote server to monitoring?


Install telegraf on the remote server and point the configuration settings for the outputs to your database.

So if you’re using InfluxDB then the telegraf ocnfiguration on the remote server would be something like:

  urls = ["https://the_url_or_IP_to_database:8086"] 

  database = "YourDatabase"

  precision = "s"

  timeout = "5s"

  username = "databaseUsername"

  password = "DatabasePassword"

  retention_policy = "retentionPolicy" 

If you are using a different output then you would need to set the Telegraf config to point to that instead.

Very good tutorial on setting up the TICK stack

The above link is setting up on an Ubuntu server, they set it up on one server, but you could set two Ubuntu VM’s up and maybe a Windows VM to test with.

I’d set up Influx on one, Kapacitor on another.Telegraf on those two and on the windows VM.

Hope it helps.



Should an agent or module be installed on the server to be collected? Can’t you collect it without installation?

Should an agent or module be installed on the server to be collected?

When possible this is the recommended approach for reliability, performance, and security.

Can’t you collect it without installation?

This depends on the input plugin in question, some can collect over the network but often information sources require local access.