How to distinguish Alert type - Threshold vs Sigma

Hi All,
I am a beginner in Kapacitor and still want to see how to improve our Alert. I have one issue as I want to find a way to distinguish for instance 2 Crit/Info or Warn alert…
Acutally in our lambda row with have 2 possibility (with an OR) to create for instance a Critical alert. The first one is when the value is less than a trheshold and the other one, when then Sigma value is higher than a value.
When I sent the alert detail in Influxdb, I don’t find a way to have the information, Alert Critical (Threshold) or Alert Critical (Sigma Variance). Is it something that can be done?

Find below my code :
dbrp “core”.“15m”
// Parameters
var info = 0.9
var warn = 0.8
var crit = 0.7
var infoSig = 0.5
var warnSig = 1
var critSig = 1.5
var period = 1h
var every = 1m
var messageField='message’
var durationField = ‘duration’

// Dataframe
var data = batch

	|query('''SELECT last("VS.Gmm_succPsPagingProcGb_G")/last("VS.Gmm_attPsPagingProcGb_G") AS PsPaging2GSuccRate FROM "core"."15m"."core_ps_mme"''')

// Thresholds
var alert = data

    |eval(lambda: sigma("PsPaging2GSuccRate"))

            .id('{{ .Name }}/{{ index .Tags "dom" }}')
            .message('{{ .ID }} {{ .Level }} value:{{ index .Fields "PsPaging2GSuccRate" }}')
            .info(lambda: "PsPaging2GSuccRate" < info OR "sigma" > infoSig)
            .warn(lambda: "PsPaging2GSuccRate" < warn OR "sigma" > warnSig)
            .crit(lambda: "PsPaging2GSuccRate" < crit OR "sigma" > critSig)
            .tag('name', 'PsPaging2GSuccRate')

Many thanks experts for your help.

Usually, the alert node is the end of the pipeline for the data. However, you can fork the stream higher to redirect the data.

var thing = data
   |eval(lambda: sigma("psthing"))


    |where(<crit condition>)

If you wanted the alert information along with this, you might be able to do a join like so

var thing = data
   |eval(lambda: sigma("psthing"))

var y = thing

var x = thing
    |where(<crit condition>)
