I’m more of an application developer than a docker / InfluxDB person.
I wish to explore using InluxDB to collect application telemetry - however, my first attempt has left me feeling like a worthless idiot!
It all looked so polished, clean and easy to use…
To get running :
C:\Users\jnewcomb>docker pull quay.io/influxdb/influxdb:v2.0.2
v2.0.2: Pulling from influxdb/influxdb
6e640006d1cd: Pull complete
1dcc0eaaa3b9: Pull complete
ea3ed117f8b6: Pull complete
d1149d45769d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:5d61520c6b3b8d77240398b32aeed34b3246fcc46e435bcd87bc09351bb6c295
Status: Downloaded newer image for quay.io/influxdb/influxdb:v2.0.2
C:\Users\jnewcomb>docker run --name influxdb -p 8086:8086 quay.io/influxdb/influxdb:v2.0.2 ts=2020-11-30T11:30:17.619674Z lvl=info msg="Welcome to InfluxDB" log_id=0QnEXF_l000 version=2.0.2 commit=84496e507a build_date=2020-11-19T03:59:35Z
ts=2020-11-30T11:30:18.195636Z lvl=info msg=Listening log_id=0QnEXF_l000 transport=http addr=:8086 port=8086
And now I can now view this page in chrome:
I setup a login, password, MyOrgName and bucket using the web client - as stated in the getting started guide: “Set up InfluxDB through the UI”
Next step was getting a client to connect and run a simple command…
However, the C# client libraries I have tried always generate exception errors when I try to do anything ‘setup’ related, such as a client query to display available databases.
I believe the reason its not working is when I send the following query:
I get the following back:
{"code":"unauthorized","message":"unauthorized access"}
I believe I should get back
I tried setting up a default user (this time from the Docker CLI), but this didn’t seem to do anything. Restarted docker. Still unauthorized.
influx config create -n default -u http://localhost:8086 -o <MyOrgName> -t <token_created_for_admin_user_copy_pasted_from_client_WebUI> -a
Any tips or hint much appreciated… I also tried following this, but fell when it mentioned paths that dont exist in my setup.
Also I am also at a loss as to where docker stores InfluxDB files. The link above states:
I see a 4GB ‘DockerDesktop.vhdx’ file, but nothing else there…
When I run the ‘influx config’ command, I believe I’m modifying an influxdb.conf file… but where is this stored?
I looked in the Docker CLI and navigated around - etc, bin, lib, etc… I really don’t know where I’m looking!
Here I realise I have spent a day faffing doing no work and more pressing things get pushed my way…
It’s a shame, I really see the advantage of using influxDB to make the data we generate usable. Presently it’s just dumped to a local file which gets lost / ignored…
I feel I’m so close…