hello all,
I have been trying to find easy ways to import data from a CSV file to influxdb, as I am a novice to all of this.
I have looked through older posts, also on other sources on the web and there doesn’t appear to be a very easy way to import data to influxdb for a novice like myself.
I currently have influx installed on my windows 10 laptop, but also on an ubuntu VPS, that captures IoT data from devices (temp, humidity, etc). The latter one built by someone else, so I can access the VPS through SSH, but I mostly use Grafana to visualise and nothing more.
It would be extremely useful to me to be able to add additional data to influxdb, as I have a lot of data from other non-internet connected sensors in the form of csv and using influxDB to store them all and visualising the via grafana would be so much more effective than my current practices.
The data I have is typically like this:
Time, Temp, RH, (followed by other metrics sometime).
A lot of this is historical/older data.
Using InfluxDB for a while has proven extremely valuable for the type of work that I do so far, so ideally I would like to import all other data I have into InfluxDB and manage and visualise them from there.
With my current skill level it seems almost impossible for me to follow some tutorials/instructions I’ve seen. I do get stuck at some point, or if I do manage to complete something the import hasn’t worked.
It would be good for me to understand if InfluxDB is, or is not the right tool for me, considering my skill level.
Does anyone know of a very simple way to import CSV data from a file into an InfluxDB database?
Perhaps there has been some developments recently that olders posts don’t cover.