This is a few lines out of the the file: DATETIMESTAMP,REGION,METRIC,LATENCYNS 20190304T16:03:55.266548,Clamp Simulator,latency,309474238 20190304T16:03:56.266697,Clamp Simulator,latency,162048311
And this is the result from select * from latency 1551717149000000000 20190304T16:32:28.978691 555844021 latency Clamp Simulator test_host 1551717150000000000 20190304T16:32:29.979692 880542363 latency Clamp Simulator test_host
It looks like its stored all the fields in the csv as one column so I’m unable to display and plot the value (latencyns).#
also the date timestamp should be different , else you will have only one record at the end if all timestamps and tags are the same
please check also the required date format ( example : 2019-03-04T16:05:56Z )
The `csv_timestamp_column` option specifies the column name containing the time value and `csv_timestamp_format` must be set to a Go “reference time” which is defined to be the specific time: `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006` .
Consult the Go [time][time parse] package for details and additional examples on how to set the time format.
The environment is RHEL7, running Telegraf 1.9.4. I’m going to be trying it it again as soon as the morning calls have finished. It encouraging that it works for others.
Many thanks for the clues you gave me. Turns out that it was working, but I just didn’t understand the result of the influx query. After comparing that with Daniel’s examples, I could see the problem was myself, not Telegraf or Influx.
I owe you beer points for your time spend helping me out
I want to use an FTP server as input. My goal is therefore that Telegraph collects all CSV data from my FTP server and then transmits it to InfluxdB. How can I do that ?