i have been trying to use drop series from measurements but it does not make any difference.
i am using influx version 1.8.1
can anyone please help me in understanding where am i making the mistake?
i have been trying to use drop series from measurements but it does not make any difference.
i am using influx version 1.8.1
can anyone please help me in understanding where am i making the mistake?
Hello @neo1702,
Can you please share your command as well as the data that you wish to drop?
Thank you
i am not sure if i can share the data. i will have to discuss with my colleagues for this.
the command is: (let’s say the measurement name is m1 and retention policy is rp1)
drop series from rp1.m1
Have you tried just DROP MEASUREMENT m1
? Are you getting any errors?
drop measurement works fine. and i have checked and i can’t share the data with you…
i just wanted to delete older series in order to get rid of old data…
Hello @neo1702,
Sorry I’m confused. Drop measurement should drop all of the data in the measurement…including older series. Is it not? Are you still having difficulty?
i have only drop measurements on test measurements… i cannot do that on the actual ones…
i need to drop some of the series which is not working…
@neo1702 If you know measurement and tags for which data should be deleted- then provide tag details in where clause.
Eg: delete series from measure_1 where “tag_key1” = “corrupted_series_key”
this one should work… thanks for the help…