I am trying to measure the bandwidth in between two computers and trying to find if telegraf has any input plugins for that, Can you guys please help me if Telegraf has any input plugin already developed for that. Something which is similar to Wireshark.
Does Telegraf have any Input plugin that can measure Bandwidth between two computers, Like wireshark
Hi there -
Have you had a look at the available input plugins on our telegraf repo? If we don’t have a plugin to fit your use case, you can always write your own and submit a PR!
Good luck!
I don’t think we have anything this specifically, are you trying to measure the bandwidth that is currently being used between systems or are you trying to measure the maximum bandwidth available?
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@daniel I am trying to measure the bandwidth that is currently being used in between systems.
Couple of solutions.
- snmp from a server or switch, collected by telegrafs snmp input.
- pmacct/nfacctd combination, data input to amqp, then loaded into influx using python or another language
unless there is an amqp receiver in telegraf (if not there should be!!)
Using a amqp (rabbit-mq for example) means you can store and forwardthe data.
Option 1 does not allow this using telegraf afaik.