Data restoration between buckets within two InfluxDB minor versions (v2.5.1 and v2.7.1) returns without any success

I am looking to migrate a bucket from one InfluxDB instance to another, which does not seem to be working as expected or elaborated in the InfluxDB documentation. Enabling HTTP debugging while running “influx restore” command returns the following message.

{"name":"influxdb", "message":"ready for queries and writes", "status":"pass", "checks":[], "version": "v2.7.1", "commit": "xxxxxx"}

Following are the configurations of the source and target InfluxDB environments the data is migrated between.

source_organisation: org_1
source_bucket: raw
influx_version: v2.5.1

target_organisation: org_2
target_bucket: raw_new
Influx_version: v2.7.1

NOTE: Backup and restore between two buckets within the same InfluxDB instance (tested with v2.7.1 instance) works fine!

Appreciate any help in isolating what’s might have gone wrong here…

Hello @pabeysekara,
Please pardon my silly questions, its just odd that it’s working between the same instance and not different ones. Those versions should be compatible.
Are you seeing anything in the InfluxDB logs when you perform the restore?
That message makes it seem like its a success?

INFLUX_LOG_LEVEL=debug influx restore --bucket raw_new --org org_2 --token <target_token> /path/to/backup

And you ensured that you have a bucket created in the new org and version?

@Anaisdg thanks for the response. Following is what was observed on Influxd logs with debug enabled.

ts=2024-07-29T01:53:03.928257Z lvl=debug msg=Request log_id=0qg2rrFW000 service=http method=GET host=[HOST:PORT] path=/health query= proto=HTTP/1.1 status_code=200 response_size=137 content_length=0 referrer= remote= user_agent=influx authenticated_id= user_id= took=0.127ms body=

and yes, I did try influx restore with a new bucket “raw_bucket” created prior to running the command, which resulted in the same behaviour (although Restore data in InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS v2 Documentation indirectly suggests that the “new” bucket referred to by the --new-bucket directive is likely to be created automatically?).