Creating organization in influxdbv2

I have a deployment of Influxdb oss running on Openshift with one init organization and some other orgs.
I want to have a setup so that if my Openshift cluster goes down for some reason, I can quickly bring up my Influxdb with the same orgs, bucket, admin tokens.

So my ask is if there is a way we can create an organization (apart from the initial org) in Influxdb OSS by giving the org name, initial bucket names, and an admin token that can be used with full access to the org.

You can create several organizations:

There is also a limitation mentioned in the documentation:

Because each organization is created with a bucket, we do not recommend more than 20 organizations in a single InfluxDB OSS instance

ok i think my question was not clear. I want to create few organization at the time when the pod is deployed and I should be the one giving the org name, username, password, initial bucket of the org, and the admin token of the org (this token should not be generated randomly but should be provided by the user)