Getting Started with the InfluxData Community Forum
Welcome to the InfluxData Community Forum. To help you get started, here are some links for you to review.
Code of Conduct
Please take a few minutes to read our Code of Conduct. Everyone who joins the Community is expected to adhere to it when on the forum, in public and channels, as well as direct messages. We are committed to creating a positive, safe, and fun space for all our community members and our Code of Conduct helps us to ensure that we are able to do that.
Getting Familiar with the Community
Weekly Welcome & Getting Started - Every Friday, we’ll highlight interesting and helpful discussions, blog articles and updates, releases, and more. Subscribe to our Weekly Getting Started label to stay in the know.
Categories - To help you find the information you need, we’ve created categories to put posts in to organize them. You can also search tags to get more specific. Our categories include:
- Welcome & Getting Started - If you’re getting started with InfluxDB or new to the community, start here. We’ll also post weekly updates in this category.
- Collect - Here you’ll find posts about the collection of data for time series systems. Whether you need to get nginx metrics out of a nested docker container, poll a device in Antartica, or monitor a multi-datacenter deployment this is where you can come get help finding those metrics!
- Store - Storage is a category that contains questions/comments/how-tos about storing time-series data. It is meant to be a forum to discuss different storage methods and engines.
- Act - Looking for information about alerting on time series data streams? Here you go. You’ll also find information about ETL. If you are trying to autoscale your cluster based on a custom metric, send automated alerts based on machine-generated data, or apply predictive algorithms to streams of data you are in the right place.
- Visualize - Need to make sense out of a mountain of data? Time Series Visualization tools like Grafana and Chronograf make that easy. Trying to find the best-canned dashboards for Grafana, troubleshoot query latency, or see some tips and tricks from the experts, you are in the right place!!
- FluxLang - Here’s everything FluxLang, our open source time series language. If you’re interested in the development and use of Flux, you’ll find others just as passionate as you.
- System - This is our home for everything else.
Other tips and tricks
- PLEASE check replies that resolve your issue and like posts that help. This helps encourage contributors who are responding to you.
- Use the toolbar to format your posts. If you’re adding code, use a code snippet, if you’re sharing screenshot, upload the photo.
- Jump in and help. If you see a question that you know the answer to, answer it. Our community is better if we all pitch in.
Other Ways to Get Help
We have a great Influx Community Slack workspace that’s active with Influxers and community members. You’ll find channels for all of our open source projects, cloud offerings, meetups, and much more.
We also have an InfluxDB subreddit if you’re Redditor. It works like other subreddits, just subscribe.
Thanks for joining our Community Forum; we’re glad to have you in our community.