Collecting Perfmon processes metrics

Hello all,
Im new to telegraf and influx but already managed to figure out how to use
My question is like that ,
Im using telegraf for windows and an influxdb and trying to collect some of my windows processes performance monitor metrics.
My problem started while trying to get “IO Read bytes/sec”,“IO Write bytes/sec”,“IO Other bytes/sec”
First i used it for specific process and i got all metrics beside those above with this configuration

ObjectName = “Process”
Counters = ["% Processor Time",“IO Read operations/sec”,“IO Write operations/sec”,“Private Bytes”,“Thread Count”,“IO Read bytes/sec”,“IO Write bytes/sec”,“IO Other bytes/sec”]
Instances = [“My_Service”]
Measurement = “win_proc_My_Service”
#Set to true to include _Total instance when querying for all (*).

with that configuration everything worked beside “IO Read bytes/sec”,“IO Write bytes/sec”,“IO Other bytes/sec”.

then i tried with this configuration to collect everthing i can but nothing has been collected at all

ObjectName = “Process”
Counters = ["% Processor Time",“IO Read operations/sec”,“IO Write operations/sec”,“Private Bytes”,“Thread Count”,“IO Read bytes/sec”,“IO Write bytes/sec”,“IO Other bytes/sec”]
Instances = [""]
Measurement = “win_proc_ALL”
#Set to true to include _Total instance when querying for all (

Im using telegraf version 1.9.1
can anybody assist ?