Chronograf without InfluxDB

Does anyone know if it is possible to use Chronograf without an InfluxDB instance?

I have an edge case where i’m intending to use telegraf to pull messages from a Kafka topic (influx line format) and send it to a Kapacitor instance which I have working.
I’m struggling a bit with tickscript so I was hoping to use Chronograf as a front end gui.
It doesn’t seem to want to go past the initial setup phase without specifying an InfluxDB instance though.

Anyone know if this is possible?

Hello @ninjasftw,
It is open sourced, so theoretically yes. GitHub - influxdata/chronograf: Open source monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack
You might find this blog about how to use the visualization library that Chronograf is built on more useful to you though:
Giraffe Visualization Library and InfluxDB | InfluxData