I added InfluxData’s repository for Ubuntu packages using the instructions given at Install InfluxDB OSS | InfluxDB OSS 1.8 Documentation. I added the repo on a Ubuntu 20.04 installation, so my sources.list entry looks like this:
# InfluxData Repository
deb https://repos.influxdata.com/ubuntu focal stable
But when I tried to install InfluxDB, I couldn’t do so. The only package that I’m able to install from that repository is Telegraf.
I visited the repos.influxdata.com site on my browser and noticed that the Packages file for Ubuntu 20.04 under binary-amd64 was only showing the Telegraf package, but the Packages file for the previous Ubuntu version (Eoan) under binary-amd64 is showing all the other packages. Could someone at InfluxData get the repository for Focal Fossa updated as well?
Thanks a lot.