How are people choosing to display chronograf dashboards around the office? I don’t want to take the time to configure raspberry pis - I was thinking of getting a couple Apple TVs and writing a tiny app that displays the Web UI in a web view. Thoughts?
If you already have an infrastructure in place for managing AppleTV devices, and are comfortable writing AppleTV apps, then that might be a good solution. I’ve heard anecdotally that AppleTV doesn’t do a great job at rendering HTML5, but I’m not sure how accurate that is. Could you share some more details about how you’d approach this for other users that are considering it?
If you use configuration management tools like Ansible or Chef in your infrastructure, then you can apply those approaches to setting up signage with a Raspberry Pi, which would ease a lot of the management burden. There are also more than a few digital signage applications out there designed with Raspberry Pis in mind, such as Screenly.
Groupon put together an open source digital signage tool called Greenscreen for use with Google Chromecast a number of years ago, although it doesn’t look like it has been updated in quite some time. Taking advantage of the Chromecast framework seems ideal in terms of minimizing setup and configuration overhead.
Google promotes using Chrome devices for digital signage, which also seems like a compelling platform.
There are tons of open-source and commercial signage solutions out there, so hopefully other community members will share their experiences.
Unfortunately it looks like the Greenscreen project is abandoned and not functional, but one user has created a “spiritual successor”, multicast, which looks interesting.