Backing up InfluxDB 2.0 Cloud?

Is there a way to backup InfluxDB 2.0 Cloud data? Having my data in the cloud is great and all, but it would make me a lot more comfortable to have a daily backup that I could restore to a cloud or OSS instance. I don’t feel like I know enough about how the data is protected and backed up in the cloud product and would hate to be in the position of having to tell my customers “oops, sorry all the old telemetry is gone and I don’t have a backup”… no matter how unlikely.

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So the answer is no?

Hello @roba,
you could use the following:

For OSS but for Cloud you would have to contact support.
We used to have Edge Data Replication

Which could be used for your usecase but this feature isn’t continuing to receive support. If you’re still interested in it and willing to provide product feedback let me know.
Thank you