Access-issues from Grafana into Influxdb (v2.7.10) using V1 (?)

Ok, base case:
Setting up a proxmox server for homelab & development, current first goal is working with Grafana with side-goals of learning more of linux, influxdb, proxmox, dockers/containers etc. Bonus-points if I can create things I can have use of in my “battlestation” and learn skills I can leverage to improve/add technical solutions into my daily life.

I’ve been installing, reinstalling and smashing my head against this, I want to think it’s a simple problem but starting to seriously doubt myself.
Steps I have taken:
1: Install proxmox
2: Install influxdb in a LXC
3: install Grafana in a LXC
4: Install unpoller in a LXC (populates influxdb with data from my unifi network equipment).
5: Since I kept failing, I made a experiment and installed a ubuntu-VM, installed Grafana, Unpoller and prometheus and got everyting working 100% there, so sanity has been kept in check.

Current issue:
It seems my influxdb is being populated with data, I can see measurements in the webGUI and the unpoller-app is chugging along nicely without error messages but rather reports all well.
Now, when I connect from Grafana into InfluxDB first I just got error messages but have understood I need to authenticate using “V1” methodology into the “V2 engine”.
I have added read-access, setup “dbrp” and done all types of shenanigans…
Currently I get a green light in grafana, reporting successfull connection, but 0 measurements discovered, so obviously something is still wrong.

Going to throw out a bunch of “copy pastes” here to give some background and would really really like some pointers on what to do next.

influx v1 auth list -t XYZ
ID                      Description     Username        v2 User Name    v2 User ID              Permissions
0dffc4edac463000                        influx_admin    influx_admin    0dffbf39c1063000        [write:orgs/23e3e97a2f9921cc/buckets/a30dae246ddb9ee9]
0e00399409863000                        dbuser_unifi    influx_admin    0dffbf39c1063000        [read:orgs/23e3e97a2f9921cc/buckets/a30dae246ddb9ee9]
root@cont-influxdb2:~# influx bucket list -t XYZ --org homelab
ID                      Name            Retention       Shard group duration    Organization ID         Schema Type
4b81956c17be69b7        _monitoring     168h0m0s        24h0m0s                 23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
9064908aeaa193e6        _tasks          72h0m0s         24h0m0s                 23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
b4a378791a9b1916        bucket1         infinite        168h0m0s                23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
a30dae246ddb9ee9        unifi           infinite        168h0m0s                23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
influx v1 dbrp list --org homelab -t XYZ
ID                      Database        Bucket ID               Retention Policy        Default Organization ID
0e00b68dff063000        unifi           a30dae246ddb9ee9        autogen                 true    23e3e97a2f9921cc

ID                      Database        Bucket ID               Retention Policy        Default Organization ID
4b81956c17be69b7        _monitoring     4b81956c17be69b7        autogen                 true    23e3e97a2f9921cc
9064908aeaa193e6        _tasks          9064908aeaa193e6        autogen                 true    23e3e97a2f9921cc
b4a378791a9b1916        bucket1         b4a378791a9b1916        autogen                 true    23e3e97a2f9921cc

More basic/non v1 stuff:

influx org list -t XYZ
ID                      Name
23e3e97a2f9921cc        homelab
root@cont-influxdb2:/var/log/influxdb# influx bucket list --org homelab -t XYZ
ID                      Name            Retention       Shard group duration    Organization ID         Schema Type
4b81956c17be69b7        _monitoring     168h0m0s        24h0m0s                 23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
9064908aeaa193e6        _tasks          72h0m0s         24h0m0s                 23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
b4a378791a9b1916        bucket1         infinite        168h0m0s                23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
a30dae246ddb9ee9        unifi           infinite        168h0m0s                23e3e97a2f9921cc        implicit
root@cont-influxdb2:/var/log/influxdb# influx user list -t XYZ
ID                      Name
0dffbf39c1063000        influx_admin
0e00380101063000        influx_reader
0e00391f0d463000        dbuser-unifi