Zero time not honoured in InfluxDBOut Kapacitor Node

I’m trying to fault find an issue with my TICK script. It simply monitors one measurement, performs some processing and spits the results back out into another measurement:


All is well, except ideally I’d like influx to timestamp the new point rather than providing one. I see the Line Protocol supports this by simply omitting the time in the INSERT statement. Further, I see InfluxDBOut attempts to support this by defining zero as the default time, and then detecting the zero when constructing the Line Protocol representation. From kapacitor/influxdb/client.go:525:

if p.Time.IsZero() {
		bytes = make([]byte, fl+kl+1)
		copy(bytes, key)
		bytes[kl] = ' '
		copy(bytes[kl+1:], fields)
	} else {
		timeStr := strconv.FormatInt(p.Time.UnixNano()/imodels.GetPrecisionMultiplier(precision), 10)

Only it doesn’t work… when I trigger the TICK script, log faithfully shows time=1970-01-01T00:00:00Z and according to the Go documentation this should satisfy the IsZero call.

But the point that appears in sensor_data literally has 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z as the time, instead of now.

Is this a bug? Is there a workaround? And further… how can I debug this? It’s murder trying to sift through the source unpicking how it’s supposed to work. What’s the quickest way to spin up a dev environment that allows me to see these Go lines executing?