X-InfluxDB-Error: "invalid character '-' in numeric literal

Hello there, I am trying to get time series data form InfluxDB (1.8.4) using a Flux query from R-Studio. I always get the same error “invalid character ‘-’ in numeric literal”.

Any ideas what might be causing this issue?

dburl <- "http://localhost:8086/api/v2/query"

influxquery <- sprintf(
  'from(bucket: "plcview/autogen")
    |> range(start: 2017-06-27T04:16:58.278Z, stop: 2017-06-27T03:14:48.74Z)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "MONITORING")
    |> map(fn:(r) => ({ r with _time: uint(v: r._time) }))'

my_raw_result <- httr::POST(url=dburl,
                            add_headers('Content-Type: application/vnd.flux',
                                        'Accept: application/csv',
                                        'Accept-Encoding: application/gzip'),


My data looks like this:

time                     MONITORING equipmentNumber workplace
----                     ---------- --------------- ---------
2017-06-27T02:16:58.599Z 1          L4212M1017      3
2017-06-27T02:16:58.6Z   1          L4212M1017      4
2017-06-27T02:16:58.6Z   1          L4212M1017      1
2017-06-27T02:16:58.6Z   1          L4212M1017      2
2017-06-27T02:17:03.14Z  0          L4212M1017      1
2017-06-27T02:17:03.14Z  0          L4212M1017      2
2017-06-27T02:17:03.14Z  0          L4212M1017      4
2017-06-27T02:17:20.007Z 1          L4212M1017      1
2017-06-27T02:17:36.988Z 1          L4212M1017      4
2017-06-27T02:17:36.988Z 1          L4212M1017      2

Thank you!

It was a problem with the way my code gave the query to the POST-request. My fixed code looks like this:

dburl <- "http://localhost:8086/api/v2/query"

query <- 'from(bucket: "plcview/autogen")
    |> range(start: 2017-06-27T04:16:58.278Z, stop: 2017-06-27T03:14:48.74Z)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "MONITORING")'

my_raw_result <- httr::POST(url=dburl,
                              add_headers('Content-Type: application/vnd.flux',
                                          'Accept: application/csv',
                                          'Accept-Encoding: gzip'),
  # get the content from the http response
  mydata <- httr::content(my_raw_result, as = "parsed", encoding = "UTF-8")

Hello @strittmm,
Thanks for sharing your solution!