Write VMware data to vmware bucket and linux data to linux bucket

I’m having issues getting my vmware data to write to the vmware bucket and not the linux bucket.

I’m using ansible to template out the correct information and it is doing it correctly, but my hosts that is pulling my vmware data is also writing it to the linux bucket and I don’t want this.

Here is the output config for all my linux boxes

  percpu = true
  totalcpu = true
#  collect_cpu_time = true
#  report_active = true
  fielddrop = ["time_*"]



  fieldpass = [ "bytes*" ]


    ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "iso9660", "overlay", "aufs", "squashfs"]



namepass = ["cpu_*","mem_*","system_*","net_*","swap_*","disk_*","processes_*","diskio_*"]

#                            OUTPUT PLUGINS                                   #
# Configuration for sending metrics to InfluxDB 2.0

  urls = ["http://{{ influxdb_url }}"]
  organization = "{{ influxdb_primary_org }}"

  token = 
  bucket =  
  namepass = ["cpu_*","mem_*","system_*","net_*","swap_*","disk_*","processes_*","diskio_*"]

And here is the output for the vmware section running on just one system.

## Realtime instance
  interval = "20s"
  vcenters = [ "{{ vcenter_hostname }}/sdk" ]
  username = "{{ vcenter_influxdb_username }}"
  password = "{{ vcenter_influxdb_password }}"
  insecure_skip_verify = true

  vm_include = ["/{{ vm_guest_cluster }}/vm/{{ vm_guest_folder }}/*"]
  vm_metric_include = ["*"]
  host_metric_include = ["*"]

  # Exclude all historical metrics
  datastore_metric_exclude = ["*"]
  collect_concurrency = 4
  discover_concurrency = 4
  max_query_metrics = 256
  timeout = "60s"
  object_discovery_interval = "60s"
   namepass = ["vsphere_*","vm_metric_include_*","host_metric_include_*"]


  urls = ["http://{{ influxdb_url }}"]
  organization = "{{ influxdb_primary_org }}"

  token1 = "tokenvalue"
  bucket1 = "vmware"
  namepass = ["vsphere_*","vm_metric_include_*","host_metric_include_*"]
#                            HISTORICAL DATA                                  #

## Historical instance
interval = "300s"
  vcenters = [ "{{ vcenter_hostname }}/sdk" ]
  username = "{{ vcenter_influxdb_username }}"
  password = "{{ vcenter_influxdb_password }}"

  insecure_skip_verify = true

  datastore_metric_include = [ "disk.capacity.latest", "disk.used.latest", "disk.provisioned.latest" ]
  cluster_metric_include = []
  datacenter_metric_include = [] 
  host_metric_exclude = ["*"] # Exclude realtime metrics
  vm_metric_exclude = ["/{{ vm_guest_cluster }}/vm/{{ vm_guest_folder }}/*"] # Exclude realtime metrics

  max_query_metrics = 256
  collect_concurrency = 3
  namepass = ["datastore_metric_include_*","cluster_metric_include_*","datacenter_metric_include_*"]


  urls = ["http://{{ influxdb_url }}"]
  organization = "{{ influxdb_primary_org }}"

  token2 = "key2"
  bucket2 = "vmware"
  namepass = ["datastore_metric_include_*","cluster_metric_include_*","datacenter_metric_include_*"]

I use the values for token and token# gets replace with the correct values.

I’m getting vmware data, but no linux data on any of my machines

If you could put triple backticks ``` above and below your config that would be greatly appreciated. It helps format the file correctly.

That does not look like the correct name for these plugins. The CPU metric and memory metric, make metrics called cpu and mem.

I don’t think your metric names are entirely correct. I would suggest you use the [[outputs.file]] output to write your metrics to stdout or to a file and double check your namepass options.