Write data Line Protocol

Hello, I want to write my data to influxdb using line protocol.

My line command: Event,Heat_No=“K-311286”,host=“SERVER”,sender=“python” current_value=0.0,event_code=44i,insert_amount=0.0,process_no=0i,pwr_factor=100,step_no=4i,tap_no=12i,temperature=1669i,total_power=28100i,voltage_value=0i 1627631031997000000

I used influx UI to write my data

The result is successful. Since new user only upload 1 image, I uploaded the image result as the link.

But I can not see the data in Data Explorer

Did I do something wrong? What should I do to fix this problem?
Thank you & Have a nice day.

Hello @thanhdat6716,
Can you please try finding the time range selector? its inline with the submit button. And selecting for a range that includes the datapoint you wrote.
Where : 1627631031997000000 == Friday, July 30, 2021 7:43:51.997 AM GMT