What is the "not executed" error?

When I send 5 queries at once, influxdb returns error occasionally like below.


"SELECT max(\"price\") as high FROM \"trades\" WHERE \"market\" = 'AAA' AND time >= 1538902355s AND time < 1538902385s;
SELECT max(\"price\") as high FROM \"trades\" WHERE \"market\" = 'AAA' AND time >= 1538902325s AND time < 1538902385s;
SELECT max(\"price\") as high FROM \"trades\" WHERE \"market\" = 'AAA' AND time >= 1538902025s AND time < 1538902385s;
SELECT max(\"price\") as high FROM \"trades\" WHERE \"market\" = 'AAA' AND time >= 1538901665s AND time < 1538902385s;
SELECT max(\"price\") as high FROM \"trades\" WHERE \"market\" = 'AAA' AND time >= 1538900945s AND time < 1538902385s"


[{"statement_id": 0}, {"error": "not executed", "statement_id": 1}]

What “not executed” means? I can’t find it on any docs.

Hello @nallwhy,

When I try sending multiple queries to the API my syntax looks like this:
curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true' --data-urlencode "db=telegraf" --data-urlencode "q=SELECT "usage_system" FROM "cpu" LIMIT 1; SELECT "usage_system" FROM "cpu" WHERE time &gt; now() - 1m"
I don’t get any errors.
This is what I could find regarding the specifics of that error.
Does this help you at all?