What in the TICK Stack is actually still needed?

I am fairly new to Influx data. While I have been using InfluxDB 1.8 for a while now, but I am just getting started with the entirety of the TICK Stack and InfluxDB 2.0.

My question now is, what is actually still needed from the TICK Stack? InfluxDB 2.0 comes with its own UI that incorporates dashboards and alerting, which seems to make Chrongraf and and Kapacitor obsolete. However, at the same time, Chronograf and Kapacitor seem to have more functionality than the InfluxDB UI, since Chronograf includes a Log Viewer and Kapacitor has a lot more Alert Handlers (e.g. Teams). And yet, Chronograf seems to have been made for Influx 1.8, because the Dashboard Presets are all written in InfluxQL and not Flux (or is there a way to convert these Dashboards that I am not seeing).

Regarding Telegfraf: From what I can tell, this is still definitely required and not part of InfluxDB 2.0 correct?

First of all, it should be mentioned that there are significant differences between InfluxDB v1 and v2.

In InfluxDB v1, the tools were also called TICK Stack and consisted of the following individual components:

  • Telegraf
  • InfluxDB
  • Chronograf
  • Kapacitor

In InfluxDB v2, Chronograf and Kapacitor are integrated into InfluxDB, only Telegraf remains a separate component.

Also the query language has changed, under InfluxDB v1 it was InfluxQL, under InfluxDB v2 it is the Flux language.

Yes, Telegraf is still needed and is an independent application.
You just need a different output plugin in the Telegraf configuration, depending on whether you write to InfluxDBv1 or InfluxDBv2.

Thank you, that cleared up a lot. Regarding some of the features that I mentioned that are seemingly missing from InfluxDB 2.0, such as the logging view and the alter handlers: Are those simply not yet implemented in InfluxDB 2.0 because it is still fairly new or are they something that I would need to add using e.g. plugins.