Greetings. I have my InfluxDB v2.3 running on my LAN at Woo hoo!
I have a Raspbery Pi on the LAN at and I installed Telegraf on the Pi so that I can monitor the Pi’s metrics in Influx. There are many posts about this, but I thought this one seemed the best:
I followed the instructions and I got nothing! Let me recap the basics and maybe something will jump out for you readers as to something I missed…
Installed telegraf using sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install telegraf and everything went smoothly to end up with 1.24.1
telegraf.conf file is located in /etc/telegraf
the only things I changed in telegraf.conf were:
# # Configuration for sending metrics to InfluxDB 2.0
# [[outputs.influxdb_v2]]
# ## The URLs of the InfluxDB cluster nodes.
# ##
# ## Multiple URLs can be specified for a single cluster, only ONE of the
# ## urls will be written to each interval.
# ## ex: urls = [""]
urls = [""]
# ## Token for authentication.
token = "---my token here, but kept from prying eyes---"
# ## Organization is the name of the organization you wish to write to.
organization = "h1-org"
# ## Destination bucket to write into.
bucket = "rasp-pi"
# ## The value of this tag will be used to determine the bucket. If this
# ## tag is not set the 'bucket' option is used as the default.
I entered the command systemctl start telegraf and it asked me for the password of the Rasbperry Pi, which I successfully entered and it said ==== AUTHENTICATION COMPLETE ===
I got nothing on the Influx dashboard (bucket: rasp-pi), so I typed sudo service telegraf start into the terminal window and still get nothing in Influx.
Since I am actively populating other buckets in Influx for many months now and have loads of data that I can view, query, etc., I can definitely say Influx is set up fine. The problem seems that Telegraf is not sending out the data. What did I miss?
Greetings. I have my InfluxDB v2.3 running on my LAN at Woo
Have you confirmed (eg: with “netstat -lptn”) that it is listening on that IP
address, port 8086 (and not perhaps only listening on localhost
the only things I changed in telegraf.conf were:
# Configuration for sending metrics to InfluxDB 2.0
Have you genuinely left that line commented out (by the # at the start)?
If so, I suggest deleting the #, try again, and report back here
Similar to the above, I would check your logs from the Telegraf service to get a better idea of what might be erroring out. It could be a config file mistake or something else.
OK, I missed removing the # as @Pooh pointed out, but even with that line now commented out, I still get no data.
I do not have command line access to the Influx machine ( until tomorrow, so cannot check that it is listening on that IP address.
However, do I need to start Telegraf on the above machine? EDIT: I tried running this command on the Pi, and it says “Error getting HTTP config”, so clearly it is intended for the Influx machine. I will do that on Saturday.
From your original post it sounded like telegraf and influxdb are on different machines. Per the above error message your telegraf is trying to write to InfluxDB on the same local machine, given the IP address is “localhost”. Is that what you intended?
It sounded like you had influxdb running on, as such your Telegraf config file should have that IP address there as well.
Let me back up and you can clarify what I should do.
I have a Raspberry Pi at I installed Telegraf on the Pi so that I can monitor the Pi’s metrics in Influx. My telegraf.conf file on the Pi is:
# # Configuration for sending metrics to InfluxDB 2.0
# ## The URLs of the InfluxDB cluster nodes.
# ##
# ## Multiple URLs can be specified for a single cluster, only ONE of the
# ## urls will be written to each interval.
# ## ex: urls = [""]
urls = [""]
# ## Token for authentication.
token = "---my token here, but kept from prying eyes---"
# ## Organization is the name of the organization you wish to write to.
organization = "h1-org"
# ## Destination bucket to write into.
bucket = "rasp-pi"
I have InfluxDB running for many months at
Question: Do I need to have Telegraf installed on the 7.11 machine? I presumed that I did, so I installed that over the weekend.
Question 2: Assuming the answer to #1 above is YES, then do I need to modify the telegraf.config file on the 7.11 machine? What do I need to modify?
Sorry for such stupid questions, but honestly there are no really good step-by-step tutorials for my situation. They seem to gloss over key steps that I have apparently missed.
Question: Do I need to have Telegraf installed on the 7.11 machine? I presumed that I did, so I installed that over the weekend.
No, it is very common, in fact I’d say most people have telegraf running remotely on different machines and then push data to a single influxdb system.
This is what I don’t understand, your config has as the system for influxdb, but the error message clearly said it was trying to send to localhost.
Can you search the config file for localhost? and see if anything is commentated out?
If that does not find anything, what would really help is the full Telegraf log after a fresh restart of the service.
OK, so evaluating in depth my telegraf.conf file from the Pi, I found no references to localhost:8086 that were uncommented. However, I did find that the outputs.influxdb line was NOT commented out, so I fixed that.
However, journalctl --follow --unit=telegraf still gives the same output as before:
Sep 26 10:48:57 raspberrypi telegraf[18983]: 2022-09-26T14:48:57Z E! [agent] Error writing to outputs.influxdb: could not write any address
Sep 26 10:49:07 raspberrypi telegraf[18983]: 2022-09-26T14:49:07Z W! [outputs.influxdb] Metric buffer overflow; 18 metrics have been dropped
Sep 26 10:49:07 raspberrypi telegraf[18983]: 2022-09-26T14:49:07Z E! [outputs.influxdb] When writing to [http://localhost:8086]: failed doing req: Post "http://localhost:8086/write?db=telegraf": dial tcp [::1]:8086: connect: connection refused
Not sure if this matters, but when I do ls of /etc/telegraf, I get this:
telegraf.conf telegraf.conf.sample telegraf.d
Given that the message from the journalctl command is still the same (connection refused), do I need to do anything on my InfluxDB config file to allow Telegraf to post the data there?
Finally, how do I do a fresh restart of the service?
We have success! Thank you. As this is my first working instance of Telegraf, I can totally see myself going gangbusters using this on every device possible.
I actually had to reboot the Pi for other reasons, and when it came back I believe it automatically started telegraf because I believe I configured that to run on boot.
Below is the dashboard in Influx. All looks great except for the areas circled in yellow. If I scour the telegraf.conf file, should I be able to find these in the inputs section?
All looks great except for the areas circled in yellow. If I scour the telegraf.conf file, should I be able to find these in the inputs section?
I’m not totally familiar with that dashboard, but I assume it is data coming from the temp plugin. It might be that your raspberry pi model doesn’t expose metrics.
For the network data, I would look at what interfaces you have (e.g. ip a) and then ensure the telegraf config is set up with those interfaces per the readme. Remember to restart telegraf after a config change.
edit: I did see some other config on the dashboard readme around joining the video group:
sudo usermod -a -G video telegraf
sudo -u telegraf vcgencmd measure_temp