Upgrade InfluxDB from 1.8.x to 2.0

Hello ajstimer,

I have the same problem as you
You seem to have solved the problem, but I do not understand how.
Please help me. It seems to be a path or a permissions problem.

@ajstimer I’m happy to see you’ve got your installation working now, nevertheless I thought I’d reply to the following question just in case it’s useful to others.

How can I check where the config is reading from for the location of the new buckets

This was a key question for me during debugging of my upgrade attempt, I found the following line useful in this regard:

$ influxd print-config

At the very top of the output you will see the currently configured bolt-path and engine-path (beware, the paths below are not the default ones!):

assets-path: ""
bolt-path: /influxdb/influxd.bolt
e2e-testing: false
engine-path: /influxdb/engine

That’s just one small step unfortunately, I have still not found my data after running the upgrade process, as other users on here have reported. This is proving to me a VERY frustrating experience (over 3 days work now) and hard to explain to my colleagues why it’s taking so long.

Linux upgrade from 1.8 to 2.X