Update New column in existing measurement

Is there any way to update new column called application in the existing measurement?
This application column should update automatically for hosts.
e.g update measurement,application=git where host=*git


Anyone please reply on this topic

Can you give a little more context as to what you’re trying to do? Are you trying to add a field to a measurement or replace an existing one?

Hi Katy,

Currently I have the fields like host,service,command, unit, performance etc… I want to have new field called Application in the existing measurement. This will help me to figure out the number of hosts belongs to each application. Is any command there to update this application field? or Can I create new measurement with this application and host field. And club these two measurements will give the result?

@madhanika, was this issue solved? You were able to add the new field?

Do we have any solution for adding new fields in existing measurement ?

There’s no easy way to update existing data points, but you can start writing points in the same measurement with the new field any time. If you want to replace older data points with updated information, you have to re-write the data points in with the new fields.