Tracing type config option in InfluxDB


Enable tracing in InfluxDB and specifies the tracing type. Tracing is disabled by default.
What does this parameter mean? How I can tracing InfluxDB with jaeger?

Hello @Yevhenii_Krainiukov,
I’m not sure, but I believe that it’s this capability that’s disabled by default in 2.x:

Hello @Anaisdg,
I understand correctly that I cannot customize settings for logging to Jaeger?
Now I see in logs:
lvl=info msg="Tracing via Jaeger" log_id=0czdxWaW000\n",“stream”:“stdout”,“time”:“2022-09-17T08:30:08.535096703Z”}
lvl=error msg="Failed to instantiate Jaeger tracer" log_id=0czdxWaW000 error="no service name provided"\n",“stream”:“stdout”,“time”:“2022-09-17T08:30:08.535099734Z”}
What does mean "“no service name provided”?

Hello @Yevhenii_Krainiukov,
That seems like a jaeger specific issue.
I might try asking here: Jaeger – Getting in touch

This is part of the influxdb log file.
I set option influxd --tracing-type=jaeger, start influxdb.
See log influxdb:
lvl=error msg=“Failed to instantiate Jaeger tracer” log_id=0czdxWaW000 error=“no service name provided”\n",“stream”:“stdout”,“time”:“2022-09-17T08:30:08.535099734Z”}
What does mean "“no service name provided”?