Tick Script is not Inserting while using joins

Hi There,

Past 10 Days i am struggling to resolve this issue
What is wrong in the below script.

dbrp “telegraf”.“myrp”

var cpu_user = batch
    |query('SELECT 100 - last(Percent_Idle_Time) FROM "telegraf"."myrp".win_cpu where bu=\'D\' and  instance=\'_Total\'')
                .field('cpuval', 10.0)

var memusage = batch
   |query('select last(memHealth) from "telegraf"."myrp".win_mem_calc where bu=\'D\' ')
                .field('memval', 10.0)

var swapusage = batch
    |query('SELECT last(Percent_Usage) FROM "telegraf"."myrp".win_swap where bu=\'D\'')
                .field('swapval', 10.0)
var cpuUsage=cpu_user
var memUsage=memusage
var swapUsage=swapusage

var Health_Score  = cpuUsage
               lambda: (100.0-("cpuUsage.last" * "cpuUsage.cpuval")/10.0),
               lambda: (100.0-("memUsage.last" * "memUsage.memval")/10.0),
               lambda: (100.0-("swapUsage.last" * "swapUsage.swapval")/10.0)
               lambda: ("cpuHealth" + 100.0 + "swaphealth")/3.0,
               lambda: "cpuHealth",lambda: "memhealth",lambda: "swaphealth"

FYI- When i remove memusage batch script it is working perfectly

While inspecting the log i found some error like below:

ts=2019-10-16T11:20:00.429+02:00 lvl=error msg=“error evaluating expression” service=kapacitor task_master=main task=wincalculator node=influxdb_out15 err=“mismatched type to binary operator. got float * missing. see bool(), int(), float(), string(), duration()”