Help Debugging Join in tick sctript

I’m trying to join two batch queries. However, after join the series is empties. Please help be debug this.

TICK script:
ID: join
Type: batch
Status: enabled
Executing: true
Created: 08 Mar 19 06:45 UTC
Modified: 08 Mar 19 08:13 UTC
LastEnabled: 08 Mar 19 08:13 UTC
Databases Retention Policies: [“telegraf”.“two_months”]
dbrp “telegraf”.“two_months”

// The measurement to analyze
var measurement = ‘responsetimes’

// The amount of data to window at once
var window = 15m

var series = batch
SELECT count(timetaken) as count
FROM “telegraf”.two_months.responsetimes
WHERE “responsecode” != ‘10018’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10097’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10181’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10256’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10285’ AND “merchant” != ‘Sevasys’
.groupBy(time(1m), ‘qcinstance’)
.cron(’*/1 * * * *')

var counts = batch
SELECT count(timetaken) as sum
FROM “telegraf”.two_months.responsetimes
WHERE “responsecode” != ‘10018’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10097’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10181’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10256’ AND “responsecode” != ‘10285’ AND “merchant” != ‘Sevasys’
.cron(’*/1 * * * *')

.as(‘counts’, ‘series’)

digraph join {
graph [throughput=“0.00 batches/s”];

query3 [avg_exec_time_ns=“2.683689867s” batches_queried=“52” errors=“0” points_queried=“52” working_cardinality=“0” ];
query3 → log4 [processed=“52”];

log4 [avg_exec_time_ns=“46.864µs” errors=“0” working_cardinality=“0” ];
log4 → join6 [processed=“52”];

query1 [avg_exec_time_ns=“0s” batches_queried=“52” errors=“0” points_queried=“780” working_cardinality=“0” ];
query1 → log2 [processed=“52”];

log2 [avg_exec_time_ns=“234.01µs” errors=“0” working_cardinality=“0” ];
log2 → join6 [processed=“52”];

join6 [avg_exec_time_ns=“6.863µs” errors=“0” working_cardinality=“0” ];
join6 → log7 [processed=“0”];

log7 [avg_exec_time_ns=“0s” errors=“0” working_cardinality=“0” ];

The logs:

ts=2019-03-08T08:14:00.674Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log4 prefix=counts name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_sum=11 time=2019-03-08T07:59:00Z

ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes 
group=qcinstance=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T07:59:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=4 time=2019-03-08T08:00:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:01:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:02:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:03:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:04:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:05:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:06:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=2 time=2019-03-08T08:07:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=1 time=2019-03-08T08:08:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:09:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=4 time=2019-03-08T08:10:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:11:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:12:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="batch point" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstan
ce=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC field_count=0 time=2019-03-08T08:13:00Z
ts=2019-03-08T08:14:01.174Z lvl=info msg="end batch" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=join node=log2 prefix=series name=responsetimes group=qcinstance
=SCLP-FC tag_qcinstance=SCLP-FC time=2019-03-08T08:13:00Z

Here the series are not joining, even though the tag is matching and I have set a tolerance of 14 minutes

Hi , after these steps the join will succeed

  1. replace the 2 .cron() by .every() ( because align() in combination with cron() does not work )
  2. remove the .on() from the join node (joins are based on timestamp or a subset of a group by )
  3. use the same .groupBy() in the two queries

best regards ,

Thanks, @MarcV. I figured out that if I use same .groupBy join works.

However, my intention of doing the join was different.

I’m doing anomaly detection on series generated by series batch query. In the alert I wanted to show the total number of requests I got which is available in counts query.

I thought if I do a join, I will get that value.

Any suggestions on how to get the total number of requests in the alert node?

hi maybe this example can help ?

dbrp "telegraf"."autogen"

var window = 30s

var series = batch
|query('''SELECT usage_idle  FROM  "telegraf"."autogen".cpu ''')
.crit(lambda:"countedvalue" > 1 )
.message('the counted field for {{ index .Tags "cpu" }} is : {{ index .Fields "countedvalue" }}')