Telegraf-1.6.2-emqtt frequent disconnect

i have configured telegraf with emqtt output plugin.

In a large scale environment, i see that my telegraf connects/disconnects frequently.

Running in telegraf in debug mode, does not reveal any error.

Im running telegraf -1.6.2.

can someone help me understand how i can debug the reason for disconnect to emqtt as the logs are not of help here.

on tracing the client i found this in the trace

13:01:46.050 [info] Client(ea9833eb-e92e-4e3f-b345-1a0644833c1d_vm-9950@ SEND CONNACK(Q0, R0, D0, AckFlags=0, RetainCode=0)

13:01:46.050 [warning] Session(ea9833eb-e92e-4e3f-b345-1a0644833c1d_vm-9950): kickout <0.11291.7108>

13:01:46.051 [info] Session(ea9833eb-e92e-4e3f-b345-1a0644833c1d_vm-9950): Subscribe [{<<"$client/ea9833eb-e92e-4e3f-b345-1a0644833c1d_vm-9950">>,[{qos,1}]}]