Sum of two values


In Nagios we have a check, that will show us the sum of error for a special check. In our case the errors of Windows Disk Space.
This I can show with an singlestate in Grafana:

SELECT last(“value”) FROM “metrics” WHERE “host” = ‘’ AND “service” = 'Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_critical’
for example: 4
SELECT last(“value”) FROM “metrics” WHERE “host” = ‘’ AND “service” = 'Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_warning’
for example: 2

Now I want to create a new singlestate where I can see the sum of the two counters.
for example: 6
I want to see the sum of the tow counters.

I have tried in influx but i got the solution of the query?

maybe anyone can help me.
here are the values:

> select * from "metrics" WHERE "host" = '<host>' AND "service" =~ /^Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace*/ limit 10
name: metrics
time                command                    crit crit-fill crit-max crit-min downtime host                           max min performanceLabel service                                         unit value warn warn-fill
----                -------                    ---- --------- -------- -------- -------- ----                           --- --- ---------------- -------                                         ---- ----- ---- ---------
1505892735000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_C_critical      0
1505892735000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_warning         2
1505892735000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_critical        1
1505892735000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_C_warning       0
1505893035000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_critical        1
1505893035000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_C_warning       0
1505893035000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_C_critical      0
1505893035000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_warning         2
1505893335000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_C_critical      0
1505893335000000000 check_count_service_status                                           <host>         count            Count_Service_NRPE_Windows_Diskspace_warning         2 


You should probably take a look at kapacitor to create this new metric. As far as I know, summation across different series is currently not supported within influxDB itself.