I’m running InfluxDB v1.7 in a Docker container and I’m experiencing a weird issue. I’m not able to print the tag values for a specific tag key. The tag key that is having issues is called “parent-ae-name”
My measurement name is “interfaces” and these are the tag keys associated to it:
show tag keys from interfaces
name: interfaces
This query works:
select * from interfaces where “parent-ae-name” =~ /ae/ limit 3
name: interfaces
time timestamp _component_id _sequence _subcomponent_id _timestamp allocated-buffer-size avg-buffer-occupancy bytes carrier-transitions cur-buffer-occupancy device high-speed host in-broadcast-pkts in-errors in-multicast-pkts in-octets in-unicast-pkts interface-name oper-status out-broadcast-pkts out-multicast-pkts out-octets out-unicast-pkts parent-ae-name path peak-buffer-occupancy pkts queue-number red-drop-bytes red-drop-pkts system_id
1566149061251576709 2 0 0 1566149061227 router1.mgt.net telegraf-agent et-0/0/0 ae7 sensor_1000:/junos/system/linecard/interface/:/junos/system/linecard/interface/:PFE router1.R2.CH-re1
1566149061251576709 2 0 0 1566149061227 router1.mgt.net telegraf-agent et-0/0/1 ae7 sensor_1000:/junos/system/linecard/interface/:/junos/system/linecard/interface/:PFE router1.R2.CH-re1
1566149061251576709 2 0 0 1566149061227 router1.mgt.net telegraf-agent et-0/0/3 ae7 sensor_1000:/junos/system/linecard/interface/:/junos/system/linecard/interface/:PFE router1.R2.CH-re1
But when I just want a specific field the query does not print anything back. For example, I want to know the out-octets and parent-ae-name if parent-ae-name has “ae” in its name.
select “out-octets”, “parent-ae-name” from interfaces where “parent-ae-name” =~ /ae/ limit 3
The db is aware of the tag values:
show tag values from interfaces with key=“parent-ae-name”
name: interfaces
key value
parent-ae-name ae0
parent-ae-name ae1
parent-ae-name ae10
parent-ae-name ae11
parent-ae-name ae2
parent-ae-name ae5
parent-ae-name ae7
parent-ae-name ae9
And these are my fields:
show field keys from interfaces
name: interfaces
fieldKey fieldType
timestamp integer
_component_id integer
_sequence integer
_subcomponent_id integer
_timestamp integer
allocated-buffer-size integer
avg-buffer-occupancy integer
bytes integer
carrier-transitions integer
cur-buffer-occupancy integer
high-speed integer
in-broadcast-pkts integer
in-errors integer
in-multicast-pkts integer
in-octets integer
in-unicast-pkts integer
out-broadcast-pkts integer
out-multicast-pkts integer
out-octets integer
out-unicast-pkts integer
peak-buffer-occupancy integer
pkts integer
red-drop-bytes integer
red-drop-pkts integer
The db is also shows the parent-ae-name values when I list the series for the measurement.
This was working at one point and I have done everything besides rebooting the router since I’m connecting to a router using Juniper’s JTI plugin which basically establishes a gRPC connection with the router.
I see the same issue with InfluxDB version 1.6 when I downgraded. I also tried running InfluxDB in a container on a totally different VM and still see the same issue there. I’m just lost and confused at this point. Never saw this before and I have a feeling its one of those one-off cases.
Thank you.