"show tag values" is empty, and a query on schema design?

OK, I must be doing something obviously wrong here, as I have copy&paste output from yesterday that worked fine. Been searching like mad, please someone put me out of my misery !

Also, if someone could comment on whether my schema might be well-designed for the scaleio measurement, I would appreciate it.

Telegraf, feeding into Influxdb 1.6.1, but the ScaleIO stuff is a custom thing I’m building (will release on GitHub when it’s ready)

> show measurements with measurement = scaleio
name: measurements

> show tag keys from scaleio
name: scaleio

> show field keys from scaleio
name: scaleio
fieldKey                                 fieldType
--------                                 ---------
SecondaryReadBwc                         integer
SecondaryReadFromDevBwc                  integer
atRestCapacityInKb                       integer
bckRebuildReadBwc                        integer
bckRebuildWriteBwc                       integer
capacityAvailableForVolumeAllocationInKb integer
capacityInUseInKb                        integer
capacityLimitInKb                        integer
degradedHealthyCapacityInKb              integer
failedCapacityInKb                       integer
fwdRebuildReadBwc                        integer
fwdRebuildWriteBwc                       integer
inUseVacInKb                             integer
maxCapacityInKb                          integer
normRebuildWriteBwc                      integer
primaryReadBWC                           integer
primaryReadFromDevBWC                    integer
primaryVacInKb                           integer
primaryWriteBwc                          integer
protectedCapacityInKb                    integer
protectedVacInKb                         integer
rebalanceReadBwc                         integer
rebalanceWriteBwc                        integer
secondaryVacInKb                         integer
secondaryWriteBwc                        integer
snapCapacityInUseInKb                    integer
spareCapacityInKb                        integer
thinCapacityAllocatedInKm                integer
thinCapacityInUseInKb                    integer
totalReadBwc                             integer
totalWriteBwc                            integer
unusedCapacityInKb                       integer

> show tag values from scaleio with key = Cluster

Above should return “backup” and “production”, shouldn’t it?

> select * from scaleio limit 1
name: scaleio
time                           Cluster Pool              SecondaryReadBwc SecondaryReadFromDevBwc atRestCapacityInKb bckRebuildReadBwc bckRebuildWriteBwc capacityAvailableForVolumeAllocationInKb capacityInUseInKb capacityLimitInKb degradedHealthyCapacityInKb failedCapacityInKb fwdRebuildReadBwc fwdRebuildWriteBwc inUseVacInKb maxCapacityInKb normRebuildWriteBwc primaryReadBWC primaryReadFromDevBWC primaryVacInKb primaryWriteBwc protectedCapacityInKb protectedVacInKb rebalanceReadBwc rebalanceWriteBwc secondaryVacInKb secondaryWriteBwc snapCapacityInUseInKb spareCapacityInKb thinCapacityAllocatedInKm thinCapacityInUseInKb totalReadBwc totalWriteBwc unusedCapacityInKb
----                           ------- ----              ---------------- ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------- -------------- --------------------- -------------- --------------- --------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------ ------------- ------------------
2018-08-24T15:59:07.533483264Z backup  BACK_NLSAS_Pool01 0                0                       250119532544       0                 0                  81411440640                              250119532544      460158947328      0                           0                  0                 0                  403726925824 460158947328    0                   98515          98515                 201863462912   0               250119532544          403726925824     0                0                 201863462912     0                 1193725952            46015894528       403726925824              250119532544          98515        0             164023520256

Now the really odd part - this worked fine yesterday with the telegraf stuff, and here’s the output I saved in my notepad at the time:

> show tag values from win_net with key = instance
name: win_net
key      value
---      -----
instance Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet
instance Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet _2
instance Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet _3

Yet, if I run it again now (and yes, there is plenty data in it)

> select * from win_net limit 1
name: win_net
time                 Bytes_Received_persec Bytes_Sent_persec Packets_Outbound_Discarded Packets_Outbound_Errors Packets_Received_Discarded Packets_Received_Errors Packets_Received_persec Packets_Sent_persec host     instance                          objectname
----                 --------------------- ----------------- -------------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------------- ----     --------                          ----------
2018-08-23T08:57:02Z 6419.5498046875       6281.89697265625  0                          0                       0                          0                       73.74272155761719       62.9271240234375    FS-AWLAP Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter Network Interface

> show tag values from win_net with key = instance

Nothing! Little help please?

I set up a 1.6.1 instance on my wintel box. “show tag values” worked fine. I connected the influx client on my win7 -> linux, and it comes up empty again. I use the linux client to connect to my server, and it comes up fine.

So we exported the data, downgraded influxdb from 1.6.1 to debian unstable, 1.5.3-2, imported and it’s fine.

Very odd…