Service issue while Installing the influxdb on /opt

Hi Team

Influxdb is installed on the /opt path and changed all the directories to .conf
However the service is not starting.
Can you please advice.


Hi Team

Can you please look into it on priority.


Hi Uday,

What did you install InfluxDB from? Did you use a DEB or RPM package, or just unpack the tarball?


I installed the RPM package for influx DB. When I use the default location the service is starting and no issue with that.

However when I use it in /opt service is not starting.

Did you install it to /opt with the rpm command? Or some other method?

@uday the RPM installs a number of other files that you’ll likely need to move or update:

  • (if using systemd) /lib/systemd/system/influxdb.service
  • (if using init.d) /etc/init.d/influxdb
  • /etc/logrotate.d/influxdb
  • /usr/lib/influxdb/scripts/