Select the exact timestamp


My measurement is as follow:

precision ms
select * from history
name: history
time amount cid exchange exec_ms market price retry side status type

1536317708060 0.0029646324182462966 1536317708060 bitfinex 313 BTC-USD 6372.8 0 buy EXECUTED EXCHANGE LIMIT

This entry is writed with ms precision but when I need to select this exact timestamp (as this is the index) with this command:

select * from history where time = 1536317708060

InfluxDB returns nothing. To select the timestamp it seems that I need to add 0 to match the real entry like this:

select * from history where time = 1536317708060000000
name: history
time amount cid exchange exec_ms market price retry side status type

1536317708060000000 0.0029646324182462966 1536317708060 bitfinex 313 BTC-USD 6372.8 0 buy EXECUTED EXCHANGE LIMIT

Do I need to convert my timestamp 1536317708060 to 1536317708060000000 to select the timestamp or is there a trick I can do ?

influx --version
InfluxDB shell version: 1.5.2

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