Readtimeout Error in Grafana, Python query, Influx UI


I have our time series data from different sources in InfluxDB Cloud ServerlessVersion 2.0.0.

I am visulazing this data using grafana, since yesterday it was fine. But now there is an error showing timeout error in dashboards like: Status: 500. Message: Post “…/org…”: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

Then, i try to query with python from outside thena again it has similar error like Status: 500. Message: Post …/org…": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers).

Then when i see the influx UI the bucket in my org is not loaded for long time. You can see in photo i cannot select any measurement.

Please help me how could i solve this? or whom should i contact for this?

Thank you much

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Hello @Nipesh,
Welcome that’s odd.
What region are you in.
Are you still getting this error?

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I have the same problem.

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Hi there,

It was solved but again same problem it was also before.

This is europe region hosted on aws.

Please let me know
