I am facing the same issue.
I tried with with python 2 but got the following error:
ts=2019-11-22T10:07:59.257-05:00 lvl=error msg=“encountered error” service=run err=“open server: open service *udf.Service: failed to load process info for "prophet": write error: write |1: The pipe is being closed.”
prog = "C:\\Python27\\python.exe"
##prog = "C:\\Users\\USER1\\AppData\\Local\\Continuum\\anaconda2\\python.exe"
args = ["-u", "C:\\kapacitor_udf\\kapacitor\\udf\\agent\\examples\\prophet\\prophet.py"]
timeout = "60s"
PYTHONPATH = "C:\\kapacitor_udf\\kapacitor\\udf\\agent\\py"
I have also logged a new topic for this