Hi All,
I am just a novice learning to use TICK stack, and I have been trying to use the “outliers.py” example from kapacitor/outliers.py at master · influxdata/kapacitor · GitHub with my influxDB.
I have the kapacitor repository cloned into ~/Documents/anomalies/
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I can’t get it to work.
My [udf] section in kapacitor.conf:
# Configuration for UDFs (User Defined Functions)
# Run python
prog = "/usr/bin/python2"
# Pass args to python
# -u for unbuffered STDIN and STDOUT
# and the path to the script
args = ["-u", "~/Documents/anomalies/kapacitor/udf/agent/examples/outliers/outliers.py"]
# If the python process is unresponsive for 10s kill it
timeout = "5m"
# Define env vars for the process, in this case the PYTHONPATH
PYTHONPATH = "~/Documents/anomalies/kapacitor/udf/agent/py"
My tickscript:
var data = batch
|query('SELECT * FROM "grafana_db".."CPU temperature" WHERE time > now() - 5m')
// specify the value field
.message('Levedata: {{ index .Fields "lvl" }}; Prefix data {{ index .Fields "value" }}')
.crit(lambda: "value" >0.0)
If I check for logs, this is my output:
sudo tail -n 150 /var/log/kapacitor/kapacitor.log | grep "UDF log"
ts=2018-11-21T18:39:23.473+01:00 lvl=info msg="UDF log" service=udf text="2018-11-21 18:39:23,473 INFO:root: Starting Agent"
ts=2018-11-21T18:39:23.473+01:00 lvl=info msg="UDF log" service=udf text="2018-11-21 18:39:23,473 INFO:root: info"
ts=2018-11-21T18:39:23.474+01:00 lvl=info msg="UDF log" service=udf text="2018-11-21 18:39:23,474 INFO:root: Agent finished"
It just starts, goes into “info” method into outliers.py and finishes.
Some examples of the data that I retrieve with the outliers.tick query:
SELECT * FROM "grafana_db".."CPU temperature" WHERE time > now() - 5m
name: CPU temperature
time applications group_name host_name value value_avg value_max value_min
---- ------------ ---------- --------- ----- --------- --------- ---------
2018-11-21T17:49:03Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 40.6
2018-11-21T17:49:04Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 40.6
2018-11-21T17:49:05Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 40.4
2018-11-21T17:49:06Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 39.8
2018-11-21T17:49:07Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 39.8
2018-11-21T17:49:08Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 40.4
2018-11-21T17:49:09Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 40.4
2018-11-21T17:49:10Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 40.4
2018-11-21T17:49:11Z CPU Grupo de prueba Host de prueba 40.4
Can someone help me?