Problem with select query in InfluxDB client and Chronograf

Hi Team ,

1.I am getting error while running the influx query

Query :-“SELECT “message” FROM “server_logs”.“autogen”.“sos_logs” where “path”=‘C:\FTAM24\SOS_logs\wrapper.log’ limit 10”

Error is coming like:-"ERR: error parsing query: found \F, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 76

Could you help me with this condition?.

2.Similar kind of error i am also getting in Chronograf GUI below mention details

Query:"SELECT “message” FROM “server_logs”.“autogen”.“sos_logs” WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND “path”=‘C:\FTAM24\SOS_logs\wrapper.log’ "

Error i am getting like:-“Request failed with status code 400”

Hi Team ,

1.I am getting error while running the influx query

Query :-“SELECT “message” FROM “server_logs”.“autogen”.“sos_logs” where
“path”=‘C:\FTAM24\SOS_logs\wrapper.log’ limit 10”

Error is coming like:-"ERR: error parsing query: found \F, expected
identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 76 "

Have you tried escaping the backslash characters in the query, such as:

SELECT “message” FROM “server_logs”.“autogen”.“sos_logs” where “path”=‘C:
\FTAM24\SOS_logs\wrapper.log’ limit 10

2.Similar kind of error i am also getting in Chronograf GUI below mention

Query:"SELECT “message” FROM “server_logs”.“autogen”.“sos_logs” WHERE time

:dashboardTime: AND “path”=‘C:\FTAM24\SOS_logs\wrapper.log’ "

Error i am getting like:-“Request failed with status code 400”

My guess is the same solution will work for both problems.



Hi Antony,

our “path” tag column contain the value “C:\FTAM24\SOS_logs\wrapper.log”.

How I can change the original value of “path” tag column while running in influx query .

if I will escaping the backslash characters from the “path” tag column value definitely, I will not get the proper result.

Could you help me with one sample example?

Hi Team ,

i got the solution for the above issues,

Thanks a lots!!