Error parsing query: found %, expected identifier, string, number, bool

Hello All,

Am trying to retrieve data from the following query in python from influxdb ,

error parsing query: found %, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 7"}

i also try to change the RH(%) to RH(backslash%) or RH as ‘percent’ but same error occurs ,
Kindly am requesting help on this to resolve the error, Thank you in advance


q=select “time”,“T(C)”,“RH(%)” from PM_histo WHERE time >= ‘2022-05-04T11:00:00Z’ and time <= ‘2022-05-04T11:10:00Z’ order by time asc


any help on that if anyone knows?
i think is the influxDB reponse that i cannot parsed, i tried all the ways to escape the special char from python with no resuts

I don’t have a solution for you, the query itself seems good and if you run it via CLI (or another client, API, whatever) I expect it to work.

The problem might be in the client library itself, the only suggestion I have for you is to:

  • ensure the query is actually valid by using running it with a different tool
  • if the problem is the Python Client, open an issue on GitHub, and if you feel like contributing yourself