Ping Plugin - Interface were ping is send from


I wonder how multiple interfaces can be set on telegraf configuration file.
So far have seen URL’s is working fine but when I tried using multiple interfaces I am not able to find them on Chronograf.

Example Sites Configuration

List of urls to ping

urls = [“”,“”]

Example Interface Configuration

Interface or source address to send ping from (ping -I <INTERFACE/SRC_ADDR>)

on Darwin and Freebsd only source address possible: (ping -S <SRC_ADDR>)

interface = “”

So far have tried this with no luck

Interface or source address to send ping from (ping -I <INTERFACE/SRC_ADDR>)

on Darwin and Freebsd only source address possible: (ping -S <SRC_ADDR>)

interface = [“interface1”,“interface2”,“interface3”]

But appears is not working.
Can anyone please help me on how ping from different Interfaces can be done using Telegraf?

Thanks in advance for your help.