Offline backup/restore functions provided in InfluxDB versions 1.4 and earlier are not retained in version 1.5

Hello Sir,

You are saying in the link that The Offline backup/restore functions provided in InfluxDB versions 1.4 and earlier are retained in version 1.5 but I’m getting error while restoring database in latest version 1.6.3 and 1.6.4.

Please have a look at the below:

Creating database "testdb for backup:

cmurugan@>>>:~$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.3
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.4
> show databases
name: databases
> use testdb
Using database testdb
name: cpu
time                host    region  value
----                ----    ------  -----
1539688449971967757 serverA us_west 0.64
> exit

Backup Metadata:

cmurugan@>>>:~$ sudo influxd backup /test/
2018/10/17 12:18:39 backing up metastore to /test/meta.00
2018/10/17 12:18:39 No database, retention policy or shard ID given. Full meta store backed up.
2018/10/17 12:18:39 backup complete:
2018/10/17 12:18:39     /test/test/meta.00

Backup Database:

cmurugan@>>>:~$ sudo influxd backup -database testdb /test/
2018/10/17 12:19:11 backing up metastore to /test/meta.01
2018/10/17 12:19:11 backing up db=testdb
2018/10/17 12:19:11 backing up db=testdb rp=autogen shard=4 to /test/testdb.autogen.00004.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2018/10/17 12:19:11 backup complete:
2018/10/17 12:19:11     /test/test/meta.01
2018/10/17 12:19:11     /test/test/testdb.autogen.00004.00

Dropping database "testdb" for restore

cmurugan@>>>:~$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.3
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.4
> drop database testdb
> show databases
name: databases
> exit

Restore Metadata:

cmurugan@>>>:~$ sudo influxd restore -metadir /var/lib/influxdb/meta /test/
Using metastore snapshot: /test/meta.01

Restore Database:

cmurugan@>>>:~$ influxd restore -database testdb -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data /test/
restore: -metadir or -destinationDatabase are required to restore