Hey all, I’m having real issues with the backup and restore (both on v 1.7.9) , the backup on my Raspberry Pi works fine using the instructions on the [Backing up and restoring in InfluxDB OSS | InfluxDB OSS 1.7 Documentation] then trying to use the -newdb <temp_db_name> option to then sideload it into the existing database, and I get the same error that the database already exists. Anyone able to tell me what stupid mistake I am making ?
paul@miniberry:~$ influxd restore -portable /home/paul/influxrestore/
2019/12/20 17:33:40 error updating meta: DB metadata not changed. database may already exist
restore: DB metadata not changed. database may already exist
paul@miniberry:~$ influxd restore -portable -newdb temp_bak /home/paul/influxrestore/
2019/12/20 17:34:13 error updating meta: DB metadata not changed. database may already exist
restore: DB metadata not changed. database may already exist