Multiple field_selection definitions per XML file

Hi folks,

I have a gnarly piece of XML that I’m looking to parse with many fields that will change from file to file. The specific issue are the tags under:


Each element tag has a qualifier tag underneath it, which I’m looking to split out into their own fields as they represent QA of the data in its parent tag.

I can get either the data or the QA information but in order to get everything seems to require two field_selection definitions. Examples below.

Is it possible to somehow use two different sets of field_selection information? Should I look at a processor plugin and/or perhaps concatenate those values into a single field and then split them into separate fields later?

Partial Example Config

metric_selection = "/om:ObservationCollection/om:member/om:Observation"

timestamp = "om:samplingTime/gml:TimeInstant/gml:timePosition"
timestamp_format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"

# Extracts Data
field_selection = "om:result/elements/element"
field_name = "@name"
field_value = "number(@value)"

# Extracts QA Information
field_selection = "om:result/elements/element"
field_name = "concat(./@name, '_', ./qualifier/@name)"
field_value = "number(./qualifier/@value)"

Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<om:ObservationCollection xmlns:om=""
                        <author build="build.49" name="MSC-DMS-PG-SWOB" version="4.7"/>
                        <dataset name="msc/observation/atmospheric/surface_weather/ca-1.1-ascii"/>
                        <phase name="product_generic_swob-xml-2.0"/>
                        <id xlink:href="/data/msc/observation/atmospheric/surface_weather/ca-1.1-ascii/product_generic_swob-xml-2.0/202302022030/8200573/abb/orig/data_60"/>
                        <parent xlink:href="/data/msc/observation/atmospheric/surface_weather/ca-1.1-ascii/decoded_enhanced-xml-2.0/202302022030/8200573/abb/130/orig/data_60"/>
                        <element name="date_tm" uom="datetime" value="2023-02-02T20:30:00.000Z"/>
                        <element name="stn_nam" uom="unitless" value="BEDFORD BASIN"/>
                        <element name="tc_id" uom="unitless" value="ABB"/>
                        <element name="wmo_synop_id" uom="unitless" value="71329"/>
                        <element name="stn_elev" uom="m" value="5.0"/>
                        <element name="data_pvdr" uom="unitless" value="DND"/>
                        <element name="msc_id" uom="unitless" value="8200573"/>
                        <element name="clim_id" uom="unitless" value="8200573"/>
                        <element name="lat" uom="°" value="44.706111"/>
                        <element name="long" uom="°" value="-63.633333"/>
            <om:procedure xlink:href="/data/msc/metadata/station/surface_weather/metadata_instance-2.0-xml/product-jicc_xml-2.0/20221014000000831/abb"/>
            <om:observedProperty gml:remoteSchema="/schema/point-observation/2.0.xsd"/>
                            <gml:pos>44.706111 -63.6333333</gml:pos>
                    <element name="air_temp" uom="°C" value="-2.0">
                        <qualifier name="qa_summary" uom="unitless" value="100"/>
                    <element name="rel_hum" uom="%" value="63">
                        <qualifier name="qa_summary" uom="unitless" value="100"/>
                    <element name="avg_wnd_spd_10m_pst2mts" uom="km/h" value="19.6">
                        <qualifier name="qa_summary" uom="unitless" value="100"/>
                    <element name="avg_wnd_dir_10m_pst2mts" uom="°" value="185">
                        <qualifier name="qa_summary" uom="unitless" value="100"/>
                    <element name="avg_wnd_spd_10m_pst10mts" uom="km/h" value="19.2">
                        <qualifier name="qa_summary" uom="unitless" value="100"/>
                    <element name="avg_wnd_dir_10m_pst10mts" uom="°" value="195">
                        <qualifier name="qa_summary" uom="unitless" value="100"/>
                    <element name="max_vis_pst1hr" uom="km" value="24.140">
                        <qualifier name="qa_summary" uom="unitless" value="100"/>
                    <element name="dwpt_temp" uom="°C" value="-8.1">
                        <qualifier code-src="std_code_src" code-type="data_flags" name="data_flag" uom="code" value="1"/>
                    <element name="mslp" uom="hPa" value="MSNG">
                        <qualifier code-src="std_code_src" code-type="data_flags" name="data_flag" uom="code" value="4"/>
                    <element name="wetblb_temp" uom="°C" value="-3.9">
                        <qualifier code-src="std_code_src" code-type="data_flags" name="data_flag" uom="code" value="1"/>

I failed to notice the fact that multiple parsing sections are allowed and by adding a new parsing section it appears that I’m able to achieve the desired result.

I did have to basically duplicate the original section, including tags and measurement name to get everything to line up but this does seem to properly associate the data and QA information.

## Multiple parsing sections are allowed

Hello @sjbruce,
Thank you so much for sharing your solution!