Issues with merging two queries in the table configuration

we created a table and trying to merge two queries for populating values in the table by using inner join command . but the innerjoin command not working with the present version of influxdb 1.5.1.
can you help me we what will be the equivalent command in the influxdb version 1.5.1.
SELECT last(“a.used”) as a ,last(“b.used”) as b,last(“c.used”) as c FROM “JOLOKIA” where component !=’’ GROUP BY “host”,“component”
SELECT last(“usage_idle”)* -1 + 100 as CPU_Usage FROM cpu where component != ''GROUP BY “host”

By using InnerJoin command
SELECT last(“a.used”) as a ,last(“b.used”) as b,last(“c.used”) as c FROM “JOLOKIA”, last(“usage_idle”)* -1 + 100 as CPU_Usage FROM “cpu” inner join CPU_Usage where component !=’’
GROUP BY “host”,“component”

When we try to run the above query , its throwing error.

Can you tell me why this happening.