[Influxdb 1.6]: Use Inner join request


Does influxDB handle “inner join requests” ? I’m using version 1.6 and “inner join queries” are not working.
In the near future, will influxdb handle this kind of request?

If the answer is no, is there an alternative to “inner join” queries ?

Thanks in Advance,



Hello @chrisH,
If you use 1.7.6 and above you can use flux.
With flux you can use joins and specify the method type with
The method used to join. Possible values are: inner, cross, left, right, or full. Defaults to "inner".

Here is the spec and the documentation

Hello @Anaisdg,

Thank you for your reply. now i’m going to upgrade my influxdb and do some join query tests.



Hello @Anaisdg,

I migrated influxdb to version 1.7.6. I tried an inner join query and still have the same error.

select AVERAGE.value + RT.value from AVERAGE inner join RT where AVERAGE.host = ‘admang’ and RT.host = ‘admang’;
ERR: error parsing query: found inner, expected ; at line 1, char 46



Hello @chrisH,

You can’t use influxql to perform inner joins. You have to use flux. Please look at the spec or the documentation link above for flux query examples.

Hello @Anaisdg,

Thank you for your reply. I will study the documentation and do tests later.



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